twins just left. felt so good to hang out with them again. missed them alot since goin into army. just cooking, talking, watchin tv, movie(hehe talking about will smith! haha, last year was orlando VS johnny) so happy, we goin to have regular lunches now.
My two favorite 'students'
Monday, December 31, 2007
goodbye 2007
scribed by Jeremy at 7:48 PM 0 comments
in retro spec
had the ritualistic norfor games night(sat night-sun morn) and was great as usual. i dont know why but when i play games with my family i rely on luck and random strategy and somehow come out quite well(most of the time)
then crashed and was woken up at 1050 or the like, so just enough time to take a shower and cab down for the Pslam(currently contemplating a hidden message in the 2nd reading and gospel, but might just be over thinking it. time will tell)
and for lunch was fish n chips at toa payoh! with pam n cheryl and some amplify people. very summarific(hope you get it cause i dont know how to explain it) of my whole year. good food, good friends, good life. then went handphone (window) shopping cause pam's phone has been giving her some problems(yes cheryl, mine has problems too)
we felt quite cheap sitting in long john's(plaza sing) sharing a cup of lemon tea. pam was staring at a shop across long john's n went over cause the blouses were catching her eye. she ended up getting a nice red top for chinese new year, and i ended up doing the same thing i did with cheryl's earrings.(pam said i dont have to get her a bday prez now, but im sure she will forget by then, haha) and since we went by toa payoh(on the way home, for her) we just HAD to get chicken wings!
then was off to holland v to meet julia and marie n chris to tag along shopping(though they were almost done by the time i got there) we tried to go to the costume shop but was closed so just slacked at starbucks n everyone said they didnt want anything but in the end the girls got drinks and a quiche, chris got a mocha frappe(which he found too bitter which i find funny from someone who drinks teh aliah) and i got my vanilla latte(which didnt have that much vanilla in it, i like coffee bean's better) then chris started to play with the straws and my hands got itchy so i made a crane out of the receipt(i dont know why im making cranes now) and did the cheryl/pam thing on julia with a piano wallet, which we all thought was very her.
dinner was hor fun at some place that i forgot the name of. but was really good so i dont mind goin back(i know where it is so its goo enough!) then was to nic's for caroling(how the heck they fit us and 21 carolers in that house we dont know) then was to my place to chill and dessert, which was me n the girls eating ben & jerry's. mich is happy there are leftovers.i just won. im orange by the way. and yes im serious.
i swear these two were made for each other. even eddy agrees!
Roasted Sweet Pork hor fun. basically hor fun with sui juk in char siew gravy
i got distracted while typing this post(dont worry cherly there are 26)
like i said, bored.
scribed by Jeremy at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
Saturday, December 29, 2007
just as i thought
first prac lesson today, was pretty fun, though rather tiering. got thrown around by 3 different guys.
ended up goin for the youth camp party thingy(and seemed rather ignored, haha, no not really anyone's fault) and just as i expected i just hung out with cheryl. between just chatting bout everything(including a couple of things from last year that most people didnt know about; though she may have already forgotten) and running away from everyone else and walking the long way around just to spy on them, sneaking up on daphne and whispering quite loudly(haha)
3 out of 10.
scribed by Jeremy at 3:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 27, 2007
no time :(
Oh where, oh where has all my time gone
Oh where, oh where can it be
With this and that going from here to there
Oh where, oh where can it be?
just caught i am legend, wasnt the best movie ive seen will smith in but was still really cool. but sad thing is that the converse shop was closed by the time the movie was over so couldnt try and get a new pair of shoes(that ive been tryin to get for months!) still cant really make up my mind between a second pair of adidas or converse.
and to further drive home the fact that i have no time, my guitar is still missing 2 strings and only NOW do i realise the strings i hurriedly got are acoustic strings. least becky is nice enough to go help me get them changed, might ask her to help me string n tune it too. she might be happy since she was complaining bout being stuck at home today.
2 out of 10. im gonna get through this.
SIDE NOTE: some big changes round the house. dont really have the time to sit n deal with my feelings about them. the first was sorta a long time coming, and in a way it is a good thing. hes not suffering anymore. the second im really really not sure how i feel about it. Thank you to my 2 best friends. your words(that ive hung off my tv set) mean alot to me. and thats kinda why i keep smiling. You =)
scribed by Jeremy at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: emo
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Chrismas 07
one thing i discovered this year; im a better cam whore than my sister. haha.every time she tried to take one of us she kept getting cut off
steve n lumin
dessert! choc cake n brown brothers....mmmm....
Co-chef! haha been too long since we last cooked together.
i just realised this is a very yin-yang shot. obviously there is the whole balance of skin color, then im wearing black n benji is wearing white and nic is wearing both.
see told ya id put them up!
daphne managed to talk angel into going for the eXcess party after mass and angel asked me to accompany her since we were both goin to cheryl's. and as soon as i got to eddy's place(after a stream of bad 'jeremy' jokes; since i happen to be talking to rizario and chua was behind me) they pointed me to the kitchen n to the pasta. cant say i didnt enjoy it.
SIDE NOTE: thanks to everyone who gave me chocolates n random sweets for xmas. they are gonna keep me awake during lectures since i have yet to recover from this year's xmas parties.
SIDE NOTE: and thank you for the heart felt cards....
scribed by Jeremy at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
Sunday, December 23, 2007
xmas 07
ok, only pictures. too long to explain.
the start of cheryl's nightmare....pour....
drink, and repeat. haha
bottoms up?
add a touch of lipstick....
and its all her fault! haha!
a daisy, a bluebell and a rose.
scribed by Jeremy at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Gai Gai
went shopping at far east with cheryl and esper. originally wanted to look for xmas gifts but in the mornin kinda changed my mind and decided i wanted jeans. my target was 2 pairs, in the end only got one. but still like it alot. my fashion consultants picked out a top to match too. haha.
random funny moment: cheryl told me n esper we were part of a lucky few getting personalized xmas cards this year and we both looked at each other n said 'yay!' in the exact same tone. haha.
then went to the cartel at j8 with cherly casue she was being affected by the crowds in town(dont know why suddenly after 3 everywhere was packed). haha was my first time at cartel so had to try something(helped i was hungry but not starving) so got some cheddar fries n we snatched some bread. really should go there more often, nice place to chill. haha.they didnt have doughnuts, so we made our own!
cheryl's magnetic personality!
and then, both of us were.....
falling asleep while waiting for adrian who didnt come
to my two lovely fashion consultants who picked out a new outfit for me.
scribed by Jeremy at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
onion in eye! onion in eye!!
just made fish curry cause i thought my lovely parents had gone off and forgotten bout me. turns out i forgot steve n lumin are back n were taking mom out. no matter, i love working 8-5 casue i get to have dinner at home or with friends. and get to cook when im not too tired, which since im not really doin anything at work im kinda full of energy! haha!
scribed by Jeremy at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Just be me
after work went to j8 to 'eat dinner with' cheryl(i ate, she didnt) then we went down to the foyer to have a look at stuffed toys and played with a couple of bears, then started going up and down. she was looking out for stuffed toys, clothes, shoes, earings. i was looking for silver rings.
and finally found a nice one at bits & pieces and got it engraved on the inside. and cheryl got really kaypo when i told the guy i wanted it engraved; one side says 'for those i love' and on the other 'PCED' and it took her from when we left the shop till i picked it up to figure out what pced stood for(and the rest of you can just go guess!)
and she learned that when i said i'll randomly get xmas presents i ment it, haha.
i tried.
when i went to pick it up i was just gonna take the ring, the guy kinda pushed the box so this is dedicated to bits & pieces guy.and thats where i put it so i dont lose it, on the most unused keys on the entire keyboard. the back lights were cause i thought it would be cooler.
SIDE NOTE: cheryl: the engraving is too small for my cam to shoot properly, maybe you can try yours.
scribed by Jeremy at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
Monday, December 17, 2007
Exhaused but Energetic
back from youth camp and dead tired, but really emotionally and spiritually high. Really love my group; Shadow of the Day(Kevin, Mindi, Ryan, Sylvia) they were so cute! and really made my first time facilitating(first time at youth camp for that matter) a really memorable one. Thanks Andrea for taking the lead when i couldn't find the words to say, still new to this.
And of course the mattress gang!!! haha, swapping beds, talking random things, camo paint! haha. thank you all for making it so much fun.The Mattress Gang v2.0
scribed by Jeremy at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
Thursday, December 13, 2007
went clothes shopping after pop, found a nice black long sleeve shirt, not as fancy as id like but still nice. i finally used my og card, ironically it was on giodarno stuff....
and i have started buying xmas gifts for others, and decided its gonna be random. already got the first one, still not sure how many im gonna get(so if you dont get one i probably didnt see anything nice that reminded me of you)
scribed by Jeremy at 1:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 8, 2007
yes its finally here, just 3 more parade states to write before i close the book for the 27th eagle batch.
on a less regimented note, went for session today. surprised how comfortable i feel with the group, thought it would be weird with out cheryl around but was ok. then after i and ed wanted to go play cs, but our kaki all got problem; first one didnt answer her phone, second one answered but was too lazy to leave the house, the 3rd one answered but had to go work in a bit.
then called tine to see if she wanted to just hang out(no need for cs) n turns out she n ther were watching a movie at home so called them down, only prob being they would only leave the house at 6. so to kill time we helped van n mel set up the booth for youth camp(its the least a facil can do right?)
then at 6is we went to jubilee(around there) and were early so went to check out the cash converters on a random whim, and i saw a really nice looking acoustic going for 110. still weighing the pros & cons of buying it(FYI it looks in good condition). then when we were bored of that decided to just start without them n had a game of jedi academy(casue i mentioned that hellgate = jedi academy + diablo + resident evil(has the feel of) + x-men legends(the quest thingy)
and we discovered that BOTH the wong twins have SCARY para skills. i got head shot by tine(her first time playing as she usually boycotts lan shops mind you!!) 5 times in a ROW! from across the map!(iceworld/pool day).
n got back just in time to see aunty mare off.
SIDE NOTE: i dont like continental cars. they arnt as easy to reverse park. either that or im out of practice. still prefer the camry though. lucky i want a celica n not a commodore(and that is about as much as anyone will ever hear me talking about cars).
scribed by Jeremy at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 2, 2007
a new begining, an ancient call
as one season comes to a close,
so too must a new journey unfold.
but a brief moment to remember all those,
those who made you more bold.
gave you courage to step up,
push through the fear in your heart.
even if their lessons were abrupt,
as long as you remember some part.
we move on and grow strong,
live for today and hope for tomorrow.
let go of all that have wronged,
and shed the burden of sorrow.
scribed by Jeremy at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: random
Saturday, December 1, 2007
*cough* *cough*
damn! i got a lot of junk, and thats just on my computer. was transferring some files and then suddenly a window pops out sayin im out of hard disk space! all 320GB! lol so had to go do some spring cleaning n have cleared 42GB.
on another note im addicted to Hellgate:London...and even though its like diablo, to me its the kinda game you play once all the way thru so not gonna make an online account...having way too much fun with my blademaster in single player!
scribed by Jeremy at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 30, 2007
Reason 387: For those i love
i dont believe it! just had IPPT(NAPFA) and:
Sit-ups: 40(5 points)
Pull-ups: 1(0 points), almost 2!
Shuttle Run: 10.7s(2 points)
Standing Broad Jump: 180cm(0 points)
2.4km Run: 15.57(0 points)
ok i know those scores arnt impressive compared to most other people, but its the first time i've ever done so well, and the first time i actually ran(not walk or slow jog or whatever) plus the first time i passed shuttle run. and my first official pull up! cause thats been sorta inconsistent, like i can do it today but not tmr kinda thing.
and now just have 10kg left to hit my target weight. gonna be a lil tougher if i dont go to a combat unit(since will very likely slack a lot more) so guess need to run everyday now...
but not so soon with the daily running thing, just got a massive cramp in my right leg, think will wait till i recover n finish my 24km march before any personal training.
scribed by Jeremy at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Counting down the days
yes!! final stretch! 17 more days to POP. cant believe i've been in army for almost 6 months and that training is almost over. and i just watched 2 movies in a row with a couple of my platoon mates, 26 bucks well spent haha!
on to less army related matters...i've been reflecting on a decision i had to make while i was in camp(spent like 3 nights thinking about it) and i've decided, im goin to do it, now i just need to figure out the execution...this will be fun...
sigh, rumors are out, report on the17th, damn, hope i get 22nd off.
SIDE NOTE: i need a new long sleeve shirt, one that looks nice and fits nice(dropped about a size btw, and very proud of it) so shopping anyone? someone with taste preferred...becky? mich?That how WE do it.
Just cause we can
scribed by Jeremy at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Eagle warriors goin down town, YA!
in order to make full use of the shortest book-out we have gotten
(last coy to book out, probably first to book in) most of us gathered at 11pm to go hang out at some cafe along adam road(near north bridge road)
and after our bellies were full and we were just stoning along different curbs we started debating which would be better to do, cs or pool. pool won out. so went to golden mile (plaza or shopping center or hotel) and hung out at the pool place till 510, most of us dozed off outside at 410.Waiting for the conducting and safety officers to arrive(1hr late!)
Our supervising officer CQMS(soon to be) Firdaus
Oreo milkshakes all around!
and wedges too! we ate wedges till we go sick of them, then rode bikes up and down adam road
my half eaten beef wrap(was expecting a kebab kinda thing but was still nice)
Biker Boyz
What ever it get a group photo
RI!!! Regimental Indians!
Me trying to take an artsy pic during pool.
and again.
falling asleep....
fallen asleep.
somehow we managed to fit 13 big guys into a tiny lift! try and beat that!
scribed by Jeremy at 5:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
Thursday, November 8, 2007
and how do we celebrate it? late night prata with as many indian friends as we can muster. haha! so yeah, obviously i was at prata house with excess and was quite happy that most of them i asked came down(all except our dear daisy who when she was close by decided she was too lazy to go!)
oh and jo said something to one of the prata house guys and he said 'yes aunty'! and was at a point that the place happened to be quite enough for everyone to hear and he said it quite loud, and we all just burst out laughing! haha, sorry jo...
and since i got out early enough i had dinner with pam. haha, been craving kfc for so damn long, and some one i really damn impatient loh! and then there was the mystery of the missing old chang kee chicken wing. and bitching bout people at the bus stop.and watched her cash her cheque and complain bout only gettin it on monday, while i in turn complained bout my allowance only coming in a few days time so cant spend it till 16th(im hoping 15th to compensate the weekend burn)
and as we were lining up to get some bubble tea we started talking bout that mini ball ice cream thing. then i started on how its more ice then cream and that ice cream is supposed to be creamy and what not. and she turned to me and asked 'are you whining?' 'yes'
SIDE NOTE: was in the train with daisy on the way to sim lim on sunday and she brought up an interesting point. the 3 people im closest to in church are all in YLM. and she said maybe im being prompted to move over. que sera sera.eddy couldnt believe he missed the 'aunty' thing
just look at nic's eyes. yeah, there is definitely a connection. haha!
to marie: i forsee a 3 way soon, haha!
scribed by Jeremy at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
wires crossed: GAH!
yes thats the only word i can figure to explain this:
army is really screwing with my head....just burnt my last weekend due to field camp and they intend to burn next weekend with situation test. so yeah really just wanna go lie down and die. and the feeling has sorta been there since i fell out form field camp(fever) and just pretty much gave up on alot of things(mostly combat related)
but on the other hand a WO came up to the status people during a BCCT lesson and started asking us why we were on status and such and went on to tell us how bad it was in 'his day', which other than the fact he was from commandos was probably better than army in dad's days. long story short he told us to focus on getting better and getting back into the training and to make our 2 years mean something. and this was reinforced by CO's express interest talk the day after. so almost the whole week in camp has been people randomly nudging me in the direction of leadership.
so on one hand i cant be bothered and on the other i want to make my 2 years meaningful. GAH!
hmm....could it be? should i care(that way)? i know what could happen, i told myself so many times what i must do if it happens. why did my line have to become a triangle?!?! i hate this, life is complicated enough as it is without it!
SIDE NOTE: since obviously im not coming out next weekend, i really wanna thank everyone at the Halloween party. it was the most fun i had in a long while(n probably for a long while more), n was glad that all of us made it, since its probably the last time we'll all hang till like dec. so again thanks all of you =)
SIDE NOTE: sorry about friday. i promise i'll visit one day soon, i know its been a year, and i've been saying that for a while but i promise someday soon. i'll make you proud.
SIDE NOTE: sweets; sorry i couldnt have been of more help, really i wanted to. but yeah. sorry. we'll hang out again soon ok? love.
scribed by Jeremy at 1:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Dumb Test
For every "yes" give yourself a point!
[x] Has gum fallen out of your mouth when you were talking?
[ ] Has gum fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking?
[x] Have you have run into a glass/screen door?
[ ] Have you jumped/fallen out of a moving vehicle?
[x] Did you think of something funny and laughed, and then had people give you weird looks?
[] Have you run into a tree/bush?
[x] Do you think it is possible to lick your elbow?
[x] Did you just try to lick your elbow?
[] You did not know that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same rhythm?
[] Did you just sing them?
[x] Have you tripped on your own shoelace and fallen?
[x] Have you have choked on your own spit?
[x] Have you seen the Matrix and still don't get it?
[x] Have you never seen the Matrix?
[x] Do you type only with two fingers?
[x] Have you accidentally caught something on fire?
[ ] Have you tried to drink out of a straw, but it came out of your nose or eyes?
[x] Have you caught yourself drooling?
[x] Have you fallen asleep in class?
[ ] If someone says "fart", "penis" or "vagina" you laugh?
[x] Have you ever just stopped thinking?
[ ] Have you told a story and forgot what you were talking about?
[ ] Do people often shake their heads and walk away from you?
[ ] Are you often told to use your "inside voice"?
[x] Do you use your fingers to do simple math?
[x] Have you have eaten a bug?
[x] Are you taking this test when you should be doing something more important? E.g. assignments
[x] Have you put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn’t realise it?
[x] Have you looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand or on your head?
[x] Do you break a lot of things?
[x] Do your friends know not to use big words around you?
[ ] Do you tilt your head when you're confused?
[x] Have you fallen out off your chair before?
[x]When you're laying in bed, do you try to find pictures in the texture of the ceiling?
[x] Do you use the word "umm" many times a day?
Total = 24
The Verdict:- 18 And Above = Stoopid
- 18 And Below = Not Stoopid
Final result: umm, duh!
scribed by Jeremy at 9:56 AM 0 comments
another birthday
just realized, i've only cooked for someone's bday 3 times. haha. and twice involved lasagne. there are other coincidences but mostly quite lame so shall not go further, haha.happy birthday marie. sorry if the deco wasnt that great, was my first time doin cake deco. glad you like the food =)
scribed by Jeremy at 2:29 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
sweets with sweets
protesting, in vain, against taking photos
the half massacred Pavlova(air and strawberries)
dont know why someone was so camera shy today....
scribed by Jeremy at 2:13 PM 0 comments
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