Saturday, September 22, 2007

stories of marriage

Story 1:

There is a married couple and the wife is constantly nagging at the husband for something or rather. and each time she does, the husband will take out the marriage certificate and look closely at it, the front the back, all over. even taking a magnifying glass to closely examine it. so one day , being quite fed up with him, the wife asked him why he constantly did this.

"I'm looking for the expiry date on it"

Story 2:

Similar situation as story 1, but this time its the husband who is the pain. he is always 'correcting' his wife. and each time he does this she would always go to the toilet. eventually the husband got quite irritated and asked her why she always did it.

Wife: clean toilet
Husband: why do you always clean the toilet when i correct you?
Wife: i use your toothbrush
