Monday, May 21, 2007

a taste of things to come

ok just to get you up to speed, mom and dad are sick(flu we think) and dad's in sydney(i think) now. and we are out of eggs.

as im walkin down the stairs(in jeans and a t-shirt, as usual) mom looks up from watchin oprah and:
Mom: goin out?
Me: nope(obviously)
Mom: oh ok
Me: why?
Mom: we are out of eggs, so i thought if you are goin out you can buy some.
Me: ok i'll go to toa payoh later
Mom: ok i have some cards i want to send. and i need more stamps

haha, and soon enough i had a full shopping list(eggs, bread, ginger, parsley and thanks to a certain someone macadamia nuts too, haha) n then i got some deoderant. and while i was there i ran into david. then when we were checking, out the bill came to 17.50 and mom had given me a $20 voucher to buy the groceries with. so in a panic i grabbed the closest thing i could find, which was energiser double A batts. and as we were walking out:
David: you didnt need the batteries did you?
Me: no. i dont even know what i would use them for, all my electronic stuff doesnt use batteries
David: ya
Me: oh! i can use it for my remotes

got back home n kept eveything nicely then went up to watch Tenjho Tenge and fell asleep, haha. then woke up with a slight headache(still do) and then went downstairs n mom seemed very lethargic so i cleard up the kitchen(which as many of you know is something i almost never do) and while cleaning i had a feeling of reverse deja vu(a feeling that a moment will repeat itself, haha, but if it does than its a good thing!)

What butter and whiskey will not cure there's no cure for - Irish Proverb