Friday, April 6, 2007

new friend

ok its not so much of 'new friend' more of got to know an old one. Fran n me used to be from the same pri sch(and no i dont keep in contact with any of the ppl i knew form then). Only time i acctaully remember meeting her was back in 02 after i went to visit my pri sch on chinese new yr. and i didnt even meet her there, met up with some of my old chess club buddies(yes, if u havent noticed im a geek, my blog has elements of D&D!) and we went out for lunch and bowling n they called some other ppl along. any way we met fran at the bowling place, and didnt really talk tt much to her that day n basically didnt see her again till like nov 06(she looked familiar but couldnt remember where i met her b4, but obviously now i do!) so now i know someone else who likes LP!! YAY!

mass was acctually cool today. was the passover feast. wanted to have that fried bun you get form the hor fun place for rememberence(its late im not gonna look up how to spell that word) but they didnt have it so had to settle for prata after the play instead. as for the play i shall not be a critic casue im an ex-TOG member, but will leave it as; it was a nice production and there were some good ideas in it(focusing on a few of the deciples and doin those 'flash back moments' and how each 'moment' was related to that specific character)

A wise man and a young fool. Never a dull moment.