Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Nikki & May

this is a simple story of a young girl and a prophecy of unending love.

the young girl was searching for love for a very long time. and all her friends thought she had her eyes set on the local carriage driver. all the gossip through the town was that she was trying to get his notice, but to no avail.

so one day the young girl went to visit a sooth sayer in hopes of a prophecy related to the carriage driver. but the prophecy(as with all prophecies was very vague) and read as such: ' before the re-setting of the sun cycle, you will find the man to take you to the life you always dreamed of'

now, a ten-day, before the re-setting of the sun cycle there was to be a day of great feast in honor of a legendary hero, and in his honor the village painter threw a party and invited all the village. and the young girl was so sure the prophecy would be fulfilled at the party, and to her delight the carriage driver was there.

now, all the village knew that the young lady had her eye on the carriage driver, so in human nature they made a great laugh at it. and the young lady mistook these jokes as signs(as we all do when looking too deeply into something that is usually nothing) as such she blamed the painter for misleading her.

fortunately for the young lady, the carriage driver changed his mind after the re-setting of the sun cycle. and began proclaiming to the painter and the baker his love for her. and defended her honor when the two of them were making fun of her. he told them she was his hero, but he blamed the cupid for shooting him with the arrow of love(calling him an eggplant), and still had some fear of the young lady, and refused her invitation for tea, and quickly blamed it on uncontrollable words, in fear they may hurt his true love.