Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Where you least expect(edited)

you know how they say you usually find what you are looking for in the last place you would look? dont you just HATE it when that happens!

was running late for dinner at pam's place, since i woke up like 20 min late(luckily pam and her mom offered to pick me up) and since i was late and they would be at my place in 5 min i frantically grabbed my essentials(phone, wallet and keys) keys were no where in sight. now my usual habit its to put it somewhere on my table(just on a pile of stuff) or on the table downstairs. it was in neither and i was already really late. so i said screw it and went out the back door.

when i got home i continued my search. i began by sweeping the first floor(including the bin and washing machine just in case) after deducing it was not there i began the search in my room. since the standard state of my room is a mess i have become quite efficient at going through the piles and piles of stuff. basically just transfer the whole pile, item by item, to another part of my room. same applies to my desk(i also went through my cupboards and toilet). now after a good hour i thought i would give the first floor another go before calling it quits for the night.

obviously unfruitful i locked up and went upstairs to sleep. and then as it struck me. i hadnt searched my bed yet. and as soon as i removed my blanket there were my keys sitting and starting at me.

P.S: i think i need a new key chain(half the gems in mine have fallen off)
P.P.S: better now?