Thursday, March 29, 2007


Indian home, prata and curry with tea for breakfast. very cliché. Guess the fact that my 2nd childhood home is being sold has finally caught up with me. So many memorise here. Aunty Mare, Snowy. Novena masses. Walking Snow to church and prayin at the grotto. The countless weekends i & becky spent here while mom & dad were at a ME weekend. Waking up to freshly made apom wiht orange sugar. Gran pa's banana toast(he would slice it up and pour orange sugar or white sugar with cinnamon over it and tosat it). My first guitar lesson(learnt G, C and D, then stopped for a yr). My first glass of wine. My first Baileys(yes tine i remember i still owe u some). Those rosarys with gran ma & gran pa before bed. Those weekly family gatherings and all the currys you could ever try. All the games we played; running around playing freeze and melt with Raf and all(cuzs, bestfriends and godbrothers). Christmas Baulderdash with becky, sab, aly, tash and occasionally mich. All those weird made up meanings(nidor=the screw that holds your spects together). Grand pa's Orchids. Just too many memories. Strangly, all of them happy ones. This was a good home. I will miss you so. Love you Grand pa, Love you Gran ma.